New Hampshire Map

Pine Mountain Trail

Contact Info
719 N Main Street
Laconia, NH 03246

Phone 1:
Phone 2:
2.4 miles
1 to 1-1/2 hrs


For a longer hike try the Pine Mountain Trail, which leaves from Gorham. It is blazed with yellow paint and all intersections are marked with a sign and arrows. The trail begins to the left as you enter the Promenade Street parking area. This is located past the cemetery and in a large gravel pit area. Look for a sign to the left of this area. Approximately 100 yards past this sign, the trail joins a gas pipeline opening and turns right. At 0.2 miles, it leaves the pipeline traveling to the left along the Bear Springs Snowmobile Trail. At approximately 0.5 miles, the trail turns right and leaves the snowmobile trail.


2.4 miles
1 to 1-1/2 hrs
Additional Details:

Soon the Pine Mountain Trail bears left and begins to climb up a ridge with openings leading north. The route enters the White Mountain National Forest at 1.5 miles. There is a short side trail on the left at about 2.25 miles, which leads to Chapel Rock and another great view. At 2.4 miles, the trail joins the welltraveled route from the Horton Center to the top of Pine Mountain. Pine Mountain’s ledges just 0.25 miles beyond the summit are famous for their views. This is a good place to take a break, eat lunch, or just enjoy the scenery.

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