Contact Info
Laconia, NH 03246
- Phone 1:
- 603-528-8721
- Phone 2:
- 603-528-8722
- Length:
- 3.2 miles
- Difficulty:
- Easy,
- Time:
- 1 to 1-1/2 hrs
This moderate trail offers an interesting hike that crosses both North Sugarloaf and Middle Sugarloaf mountains.
The trail begins at 1644 ft. elevation and ends at Middle Sugarloaf Summit, 2526 ft. It is easy with some moderate uphill grades. There is no reliable water source along this trail. Any water taken directly from the Zealand River or any river should always be treated. There is drinking water available at the Zealand Valley Campground. At 0.2 miles the trail leaves the river at an easy uphill grade and immediately crosses the Bethlehem Water Line. The easy grade changes to a more moderate uphill grade at 0.7 miles until it reaches the saddle between the two summits. A sign at 0.9 miles marks the intersection between Middle and North Sugarloaf, Middle Sugarloaf to the left (South) and North Sugarloaf Spur to the Right.
Camping is prohibited within ¼ mile of the Zealand Road and above treeline. Zealand Road is closed to motor vehicles from Mid-November to Mid-May.Details
Additional Details:
To Middle Sugarloaf: 1.4 miles
Average Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes
To North Sugarloaf: 1.2 miles
Average Time: 1 hour
Middle Sugar Loaf Trail: At 0.4 miles the trail continues on an easy grade then changes to a more moderate uphill grade to the exposed summit. About 150 ft from the trail’s end there is a short side trail leading to a view of the North Sugarloaf. The exposed summit offers a 360-degree view of the White Mountain National Forest.
North Sugarloaf Spur: At 0.3 the trail continues at an easy grade then it looses elevation slightly and swings to the mountains backside. The trail climbs gradually, ending abruptly on the open ledge of North Sugarloaf Summit, 2360 ft. The view to the east is of Mount Washington and the Presidential Range. Smokey quartz has been found in this area. Collectors who are collecting for personal use only are not required to obtain a permit. Collecting is limited to the use of hand tools and hobby collecting. Explosives are prohibited. Collectors must fill in any holes to restore areas to near natural conditions. Please contact The Ammonoosuc or Pemigewasset Ranger District for additional information.